GxP Training Management – How To Keep It Simple

Start by keeping your training management on Pharma/Biotech processes simple
So how do we achieve this?
Having supported start-up and medium size Pharma/Biotech businesses for several years, the Quality function is a relatively small department and to ensure all staff are trained on their processes which impact on the Quality of medicines, is a challenging task.
It is better to start with a training management process that is easy to manage than create one which we will fall behind on the training and it’s documenting.
It is the responsibility of each employee in the business to ensure they keep their training record up to date on any procedural, classroom and external training applicable to the Quality of medicines. Quality will oversee the timely completion of this training through a Quality training matrix and tracker.
The below process flow provides a framework to develop the training management process from onboarding through to off board of employees and how the Quality applicable training should be managed and documented.
If you would like help with implementing a training management process specific to your business or you would like to learn about our refresher training on Good Manufacturing Practice or Good Distribution Practice, please contact us for a free 60 minute consultation at info@inglasia.com.
Written by: Sanjay Nadarajah, GMP/GDP Consultant